- Drugs;
- Backpacks and large purses
- Bottles (including perfume or deodorant bottles);
- Feeding bottles;
- Beverage cans;
- Cans;
- Fireworks;
- Lasers;
- Sprays;
- Stick banners;
- Chairs;
- Knives, Weapons, Sharp objects;
- Chains;
- Pyrotechnic items;
- Food or Beverages;
- Animals;
- Umbrellas (raincoats are recommended in case of rain);
- Flammable or explosive materials;
- Professional photo or video cameras, including any type of DSLR device
- Any type of objects which may cause injury to other Participants.
Access with the following items is allowed:
- Medicines;
- Insulin;
- Medicinal drops;
- Asthma inhaler spray;
Any such products are allowed only if accompanied by medical letter or any other replacement document and in no more than one daily dose.
- Compact photo cameras;
- Lighters.
- Inflatable Accessories
Due to the very strict rules concerning prohibited items, persons in charge with Festival safety and monitoring shall carefully search each Participant and any prohibited items found on them upon search shall remain at the gates.
Regarding the lost items, the organizer will set up a special space in the INFO POINT located inside the festival where you will be able to bring such items and where every owner will be able to find his lost items until the end of the festival.
The organizer will not be hold responsible for the Participant’s items or for possible damage done to them.
The entrance with the following is FORBIDDEN: cars, roller-skates, bikes, hooverboards and other similar gadgets in the Festival area.
If unlawful items are found on a Participant, the Organizer shall hand him over to the authorities.